marți, 13 decembrie 2011

I want to see you screammmmm!!!!

Desi seamana a un refren de cantec, eu chiar vreau sa te vad tipand. Omul tipa deobicei atunci cand emotiile sale ating o intensitate maxima, ori ca e suparat, ori ca e vesel, ori cineva tocmai l-a enervat la culme.

"Screamminnnn`" este un proiect fotografic in care eu vreau sa iti captez aceasta emotie, aceasta clipa in care inima iti bate in piept ca aripile unui colibri si tipatul vine ca o reactie naturala de eliberare. Vreau tipatul tau de bucurie, de suparare, de nebunie.

Acest proiect este lucrarea practica pentru cursul de fotografie pe care l-am urmat in ultimele luni de zile, la CPPC. Cele mai bune poze vor fi printate si expuze in cadrul unui vernisaj public.

Vreau chipuri interesante, freze uschite, cercei, dreads, daca ai tatuaje e si mai bine, vreau multa nebunie, poti sa vii cu amicii daca vrei. Eu aduc muzica (de scandal) si niscaiva bautura, in caz ca nu te-ai hotarat deja in ce fel vrei sa tipi. 

Totul va fi capturat intr-un studio, asa ca nu o sa aiba rost sa iti faci probleme ca te aud vecinii atunci cand tipi. Daca vrei, chiar poti sa imi faci sugestii in legatura cu muzica pe care vrei sa o auzi cat timp esti acolo..dubstep...rock..dnb????

Aaa, sa nu uit ce era mai important!
Cand:  Sambata 14.01.2012 incepand cu ora 15.00.

Unde: Studioul TeleObiectiv, 
          Str. Sagetii nr 6

Deci be there or be square!
Trimite-mi un mesaj pe sau pe Facebook pentru confirmare de prezenta. Merci!

In caz ca ai nevoie de inspiratie, pozele alaturate iti vor arata ce doresc eu sa se intample sambata:

miercuri, 15 iunie 2011

Surprinzator si unic, specific romanesc: Anul acesta are numai...fiti foarte atenti!!...numai 3 zile

Nu stiu cum se intampla pe la altii, in ceea ce priveste festivalurile si concertele, dar se pare ca pe la noi e altfel. Cineva zicea ca America e tara tuturor posibilitatilor, dar se pare ca s-a inselat amarnic. In tara in care manelistii prospera, caci Uniunea Europeana ne arata cu degetul, cum ca nu ne-am iubi minoritatile, in care preturile sunt comparabile cu cele din Marea Britanie, in care artistii isi permit sa cante pe stadioane cu pozitiv - vezi concertul Madonna din 2009, uite ca la noi anul are numai 3 zile.

Este fenomenal si in acelasi timp unic, dar e adevarat. Sunt curios daca va prindeti la ce ma refer...Nimic? Sa va dau un indiciu? Luna Iulie 2011 va spune ceva? Inca nu va-ti prins? Hai sa va dau alt indiciu: 1-3 iulie 2011? Daca nu va-ti prins, o sa spun eu despre ce e vorba. In mai sus amintita perioada, in Bucuresti si zonele inconjuratoare avem 3 evenimente majore si care, fiecare dintre ele, are darul de a atrage enorme mase de oameni. Care sunt acestea?

Pai e simplu: 1-3 iulie 2011 - ROCK THE CITY @ ROMEXPO, Bucuresti
1-3 iulie 2011 - BESTFEST CAMP @ Pipera Tunari Camp, Bucuresti
2 iulie 2011 - Jamiroquai @ Plaja H2O, Mamaia

Pe scurt, se pare ca pentru unii, anul are numai 3 zile. Daca am avea parte de niste evenimente mai mici, asa, de cartier, am zice: Hai lasa, ca ne strecuram noi! Dar asa, ce naiba sa mai faci?

Daca ai banul pe tine iti iei bilete la toate trei si vezi numai trupele preferate, dar nici asa nu e o solutie, caci ajungi sa te damblagesti la cap si sa pici pe jos de oboseala, dupa ce ai facut un tur de 3 zile intre 2 festivaluri si un concert la mare. Ce te faci atunci cand chiar vrei sa le vezi pe toate? Caci la toate aceste evenimente ai ceva de vazut, in fiecare zi este cate o trupa pe care poate nu o sa o mai vezi niciodata, cum ar fi Judas Priest, Whitesnake. Nu zic, The Prodigy au tot venit pe la noi, dar chiar si asa, tot merita sa ii vezi de fiecare data cand ai ocazia, caci show-ul lor te face sa iti iesi din minti cum poate nu ai avut vreodata ocazia. Deci vezi Prodigy in prima zi de Rock the City, fugi apoi a doua zi la mare pentru Jamiroquai si apoi te intorci fuguta la BestFest Camp ca sa ii vezi pe Pendulum live si apoi te declari multumit.

Pare o solutie, asta asa, ca sa zici ca ai bifat evenimentul si apoi ai trecut la altceva. Dar un festival este mai mult decat muzica. Mai ales ca ambele evenimente, atat Rock the City cat si BestFest Camp anunta o serie de atractii care mai de care mai interesante.

Sunt curios cum va fi cu incasarile anul acesta, mai ales ca suntem in an de criza si toata lumea se va duce acolo unde considera ca are mai multe de vazut. Prevad o multime de bilete de o zi si mult mai putine abonamente, caci mai toti vor vrea sa se duca la ambele, daca nu la toate trei evenimentele. Si sa nu uitam...anul acesta ne viziteaza Bon Jovi, la o saptamana dupa ce aceasta mare vanzoleala se va fi terminat. Cum naiba sa te imparti? Nu stiu coane, dar parca istorioara asta nu prea e una din cele fericite. Un festival pe luna sau chiar la doua luni poate fi mai usor de inghitit, dar 2 festivaluri mari cu nume si mai mari pe frontispiciu, in aceeasi perioada, plus un artist de talia lui Jamiroquai la mare, tot atunci, sunt mult prea greu de inghitit.

Si apropos de festivaluri si concerte, ca tot veni vorba. Daca va numarati printre organizatorii de evenimente, gen festivaluri si concerte: este un anumit fotograf, pe nume Filip Silviu, care are prostul obicei de a-si face acreditare la evenimente, folosindu-se de numele meu sau de cel de Daca se intampla acest lucru, va rog frumos sa ii refuzati acea cerere, caci acesta nu are dreptul de a se folosi de numele meu sau de cel de, nefiind vreun reprezentant nici al meu, dar nici al Am patit asta la concertul Scorpions, unde acesta si-a facut acreditare spunand ca este si el de la revista lui Vlad Ionut Piriu...Si nu si-a facut numai lui, dar si intregii familii!!! Sa tot mergi asa la concerte, nu? Moca! A.. si nu a figurat pe lista numai din partea mea, ci si din partea Jurnalului National, tot fara sa fi avut vreo legatura cu acesta. Cat de prost si nesimtit sa fii, mai Filip?

Vlad Piriu

The BeatFUCKER - The Party Rocker

joi, 9 iunie 2011

Rock the City 2011 brings to the heart of Bucharest some of the biggest bands of the moment

Rock the City 2011 is an ambitious project, a festival that brings to Romania some of the biggest and best rock bands of all times, said Marcel Avram, the man that brought to Romania names such as Michael Jackson, Metallica. The festival has been officially launched on april 5, after a very busy press conference. The ears of all journalists presents there at the conference have been tickled when names such as The Prodigy, Judas Priest, Whitesnake, Papa Roach, Mike and The Mechanics, Therapy, Hatebreed were announced as the line-up of the festival.

After the initial confirmation of the locations as Piata Constitutiei, the Rock the City Festival was moved to ROMEXPO, the same place where Sonisphere Fest took place last year.
The three days of the festival will keep the people busy with parties organised by the sponsors, and all sorts of surprised.

Some of the bands are a premiere for Romania. Papa Roach, for example, is visiting Romania for the first time.
The third edition of the festival, comes after a 1 year break. The last edition of the festival has brought to Romania bands such as Saga, Queensryche and Lipm Bizkit, and it was held at Arenele Romane. As the need for good and powerful rock music has becaome bigger and bigger, the festival has been moved to a larger arena, in order to accomodate the crowds that will flock to mingle with the stars.
The first names that were confirmed for the festival were Judas Priest – promoting their last world tour, and Whitesnake – promoting their latest album „Forevermore”.
Even if Rob Halford, the lead singer from Judas Priest, has announced that the „Epitaph World Tour” is going to end the prodigious and the prolongue carreer of the group, Glenn Tipton, the guitar player gives some hope to the millions of fans outhere and announces that definettly, Epitaph is not going to mean the end of the band and of the worlwide tours. Presently, the band works to a new material, and if the band is to play, they will play in smaller tours. Halford & Co. have chosen their bands name after a Bob Dylan`s song, „The ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest”, from the album „John Wesley Harding”. Along the ages, Judas Priest has launched 16 studio albums and sold over 40 million disks. Their newest album is „Nostradamus” (2008), and it has reached the 11th place in the Billboard Chart 200.

Also Whitesnake returns to Romania, for a concert in Bucharest. Their Bucharest performance is part of their worldwide promotional tour „Forevermore”, album that was launched in Europe on march 25th. Their first single disk from this album was „Love Will Set You Free” and it also comes with a video. This newest album was produced and arranged by David Coverdale, Doug Aldrich and Michael McIntyre in the Snakebyte and the Grumblenott Studios & Villas in Nevada and California.
Whitesnake is a british rock band that started in 1977 in North Yorkshire), with David Coverdale (ex Deep Purple) as lead singer. The guy is so good in what he is doing, that a lot of voices have said that in fact, Whitesnake is only accompanying David Coverdale and nothing else. VH1 has nominated the band to occupy the 85 position in the Best HardRock Bands of All Times Chart. The first formula of the band brought together names such as David Coverdale, Bernie Marsden, Micky Moody, Neil Murray, David „Duck” Dowle and Brian Johnston, at keyboards, to be soon after misplaced by Jon Lord, from Deep Purple. Their first album was not so succesful, „Whitesnake” being launched in 1977, in a time when punk music was rulling the charts. The newest album, „Forevermore”, was described as having no boundaries, being melodic and full of passion in the same time.
This album has been recorded in a new formula, Aldrich being the only surviver from the origibal crew. In Bucharest, Coverdale will share the stage with Doug Aldrich – guitars, Reb Beach (Alice Cooper) – guitars, Brian Tichy (Ozzy Osbourne, Billy Idol) – drums and Michael Devin (Kenny Wayne Shepherd) – bass.

This month, in june, after the long performances in USA, Whitesnake will play in Europe, in Russia, Norway, Sweden, UK, Italyu, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, The Cech Republic, Austria, Serbia, Romania, Bulgary and Turkey.

The tickets are sold exclusively through and can be bought in the following shops Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo, Humanitas, Cărturești and online on

The tens of thousands of people that will go to the festival will enter the Festival area starting with 2 p.m. in each day of the festival, and the live performances are to start at 5 p.m.

Vlad Piriu
TheBEATFucker - The Party Rocker

luni, 23 mai 2011

Sound barrier built around Zone Arena for the Roxette concert in Bucharest, Romania

Even if we want to see more and more bands playing live in our city, it seems that sometimes, there are some others that feel the need to complain. It is not that the international stars are not quewing in order to get our attention, it is not that Bucharest still doesn`t have a propper stadium to accomodate the heards of people flocking in order to see their idols on stage, but it seems that now, some people are bothered by the noise those concerts produce. Yeah, you heard very well, it is the noise that it is bothering them.

So was the case after Ozzy Osbourne`s live performance in Bucharest, on Zone Arena, when some people living near-by, started complaining that the concert is too noisy. It is a rock concert, god dammit, it is supposed to be noisy. But, if the people complain, the organisers have to obey, or that is what the law is saying.
As a result, the organisers of the concert are building a wooden fence, 8 m in height and 100m in length as a sound barrier, so the people living near-by will not complain anymore. Needless to say that even if this wall is being built, you will be able to hear the concert even if you are 5 killometers away from the area where the concert is taking place. But, well, as I said, if the law sais that the wall should be built, the organisers have to comply and build it.

Roxette plays live in Bucharest for the first time, on May 30th. This is part of the worldwide promotional tour for their last album,`Charm School`.

The tickets for the show are available on, or in the Diverta Bookshop Network, at Sala Palatului, in the Mihai Eminescu Bookshop, Musica Store and at The Ark. There are several cathegories, depending on location and price:
Golden VIP (seat included, in front of the stage) - 350 lei( 85 euros)
Tribuna VIP (seat included, in the tribunes) - 250 lei (65 euros)
Gazon A (lawn, standing) 120 lei (30 euros)

Vlad Piriu
The Beatfucker - The Party Rocker

VH2 and Magnolia, opening act for Roxette on May 30th @ Zone Arena, Bucharest - Romania

VH2 and Magnolia are to open the first Roxette concert in Bucharest, Romania, on May 30th at Zone Arena.

The Bucharest concert, organized by EMagic and supported by Avon and Ciuc Premium, brings Roxette in its 10th live tour around the world.
On May 18th, VH2 has launched a new disk, named `2-VH2`, the newest tracks on this album being available for listening during the live performance opening for Roxette.

A even newer presence to the local musical scene, Magnolia, bears the signature of Raluca Leahu, known for her musical carreer as a DJ, TV and Radio presenter.

Together with Dan Leahu – quitar and synth, Radu Anghel - bass and Bogdan Morosanu - drums, Magnolia juggles with the sounds and takes the music to a new realm, where the sound is fresh, refreshing and charming.

At the end of last year, Magnolia performed live as opening act for I Blame Coco`s live performance in Bucharest. I Blame Coco is Sting`s daughters project. After the Bucharest performance, she has launched her debut single `Music`.

The tickets for the show are available on, or in the Diverta Bookshop Network, at Sala Palatului, in the Mihai Eminescu Bookshop, Musica Store and at The Ark. There are several cathegories, depending on location and price:

Golden VIP (seat included, in front of the stage) - 350 lei( 85 euros)
Tribuna VIP (seat included, in the tribunes) - 250 lei (65 euros)
Gazon A (lawn, standing) 120 lei (30 euros)

Vlad Piriu
The Beatfucker - The Party Rocker

Sting and the The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra hit Europe with a Bang

Live Nation has announced that Sting, together with the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, is extending the number of areas that his world tour is going to visit. As a result, a number of performances have already taken place in Europe and United Kingdom.

The Symphonicity Tour, that started almost a year ago, on JUne 2nd in Vancouver, included a full series of sold-out concerts in USA along the entire summer. This way, a very large number of people had the opportunity to listen to some of his best hits, sung in a completelly new manner, the symphonic way.

The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra is and has been directed by Steven Mercurio (known for his work with names such as Pavarotti, Bocelli).

The european tour has started last year, on September 3rd, at Konserthus, Oslo, followed by a majestique performance on September 5th at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. On October 5th, Sting and the Northern Simfonia Orchestra amazed the audience from The Sage Gateshead with an amazing performance.

Live performances have been announced for some of the most prestigious venues in Europe, such as The Royal Albert Hall in London, on October 1st or the Verdi Theatre in Florence, Italy on October 25th, The Arcimboldi Theatre in Milan, on November 2nd and Santa Cecilia in Rome, on November 10th.

The tour has stopped in cities such as Stockholm, Helsinki, Berlin, Koln and Paris, followed by concerts in Dublin, Nantes, Antwerp, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Stuttgart in October, ending with Venice and Turin in November.

After a unmatched carreer, that has produced countless albums rewarded with platinum disks, a impressive collection of songs that reached the first position in the international charts, global sales exceeding 100 million disks, a collection of Stings best songs are being played it a complete new manner, orchestrated by Jorge Calandrelli, David Hartley, Michel Legrand, Rob Mathes, Vince Mendoza, Steven Mercurio, Bill Ross, Robert Sadin and Nicola Tescari.

The special playlist put together especially for this event includes hits such as "Roxanne”, "Next To You,” "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic” and "Every Breath You Take,” next to hits from his solo carreer, such as"Englishman in New York,” "Fragile,” "Russians,” "If I Ever Lose My Faith in You,” "Fields of Gold,” or "Desert Rose.”

In order to support the long waited Sting World Tour, Deutsche Gramophon has launched the Symphonicities CD last summer.

The new studio album takes the live experience further, so the first single"Evey Little Thing She Does Is Magic” has already been launched on digital support on May 24, 2010. Also, you can find on this exceptional disk you can find songs from The Police era, such as"Roxanne” and "Next To You”, and also from the Solo period, such as "Englishman in New York,” "I Burn for You,” "Why Should I Cry for You” or "She’s Too Good For Me”. Symphonicities was produced by Rob Mathes and Sting and was mixed by Elliot Scheiner (Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac) and Claudius Mittendorfer (Interpol, Franz Ferdinand).
Sting started being interested in adding the orchestral side to his music, in 2008, after being invited to sing on the same stage with the legendary Chicago Symphony Orchestra. After remixing and arranging songs from his extended repertoir, Sting has met with the Orchestra for a concerts that gave birth to a very unique experience for him, making him eager to explore new potential collaborations with the symphonic music. As a result, the Philadephia Orchestra has invited him to join them in order to celebrate the 153rd Anniversary of the Music Academy.

Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra has worked in the past with some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Andrea Bocelli, Bryn Terfel, Renee Fleming, Kiri Te Kanawa and the regreted Luciano Pavarotti, to Burt Bacharach, George Benson, Michel Legrand, Diana Krall, Tina Turner or Randy Newman. The Orchestra has 45 members and will be following Sting on all his 45 concerts in USA.
Sting will be joined by the qwartet Dominic Miller (Sting`s guitar player), David Cossin (a renowed percutionist specialized in experimental music and member of the Bang on a Can All-Stars), Jo Lawry (vocalist) and Ira Coleman (bass player).

His first adventure with the classical music started with his successful album, "Songs from the Labyrinth" that represented a fold reinterpretation of the XVIth century music, by the composer John Dowland, launched in 2006 by the Deutsche Grammophon. After ending his extraordinary tour along with hie fellow members from Police, Sting has returned to his old dear passion of bringing together some of the most diverse musical genres, in one of his latest albums,"If On A Winter's Night...", album that has taken the international charts by surprise, landing on some of the highest places and also on the Billboard Classic.

The tour has been organized by Live Nation and produced by RZO Entertainment Inc in association with Universal Music Classical Management & Productions and is presented by Xerox.

The new Sting album, SYMPHONICITIES, was launched last summer at Deutsche Grammophon.

Vlad Piriu
The Beatfucker - The Party Rocker

joi, 19 mai 2011

New Tickets Cathegory for BON JOVI OPEN AIR, JULY 10th BUCHAREST

It seems that the voice of the poeple has been once again, heard. This time, it seems that some people were annoied when the orgianizers of the BON JOVI concert in Bucharest have decided to introduce a new cathegory of tickets and in the same time, a new zone.

The new zone was called Diamond Circle, and was supposed to occupy all the immediate front area of the stage, so its inhabitants would have the best vision. It was a bit infuriating, since there already a lot of people, and I am talking about the people that have bought all the tickets that were assigned for the Golden Circle, were hopping to get the best seats. And all of a sudden, they didn`t have the best seats.
So they started quarelling on the social sites, and, as a result, the organizers have decided to call it off and forget about the Diamond Ring.

Innitially, the organizers, announced on 18th of May that starting with that day, the people could buy a whole new cathegory of tickets, a far better one, than the ones sold before. Of course, it was all about the Diamond Gircle, a place where 700 very lucky people could be as close to their idols as possible, off course if they could afford to pay the price - 798.8 lei ( approx 200 euros). Pretty big, no?
But I mean, who are we to judge, if you have the money, why wont you go and sit on the stage, if you can. But here were the people that have already bought all the tickets from the Golden Circle area, which was supposed to be the best place, till the Diamond Circle came about. So those people got pissed and started quarellyng.

Finally, the wise decision was taken and the organisers announced that the Diamond Circle tickets would not be sold anymore.

In an official statement, Denisa Sandulescu, spokeswoman for DD EAST ENTERTAINMENT, has declared that the Diamond Circle is something that comes with the Open Air concept, worldwide. That particular area was designated as such by the sponsors of the tour and was supposed to offer a greater confort and a better view for those willing to pay the price. But that decision came too late, unfortunatelly, when the Golden Circle area was already sold-out, and when the people already have paid good money for the best seats in the house. So Denisa Sandulescu has decided to stop the process of selling the tickets for the Diamond Area and to give up this cathegory of tickets for good. Those that already have bought the tickets for this area, will receive a Golden Circle ticket instead, and the rest of the money.

As a plus, the organisers have decided to add the 700 Diamond tickets to the Golden Circle existing ones so they supplimented the Golden Circle tickets. This is a good decision, since there are a lot of fans willing to pay the price and be as close as possible to the New Jersey Cowboys.

If you want your ticket, you still can find tickets in the other cathegories, as follows:
VIP - 479,3 lei(125 euros)
Tribuna - 372,8 lei (85 euros)
Golden Circle - 298,2 lei (70 euros) SOLD OUT
Normal Circle - 186,4 lei (46 euros)
Peluza Parlament - 159,8 lei (38 euros)

The tickets can be bought direct from the Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo Stores and the Humanitas and Carturesti Bookstores from all over Romania. If you are abroad, you can find them online from

The concert is presented in Romania by East European Entertainment and Marcel Avram, in a joint venture with D&D East Entertainment.

Vlad Piriu
BeatFucker - The Party Rocker

luni, 16 mai 2011

BON JOVI LIVE IN BUCHAREST UPDATES: Golden Circle Sold Out and BON JOVI is interested in the Romanian culture and places

The Bon Jovi concert that is about to take place on July 10th in Piata Constitutiei sells like fresh bread.
After no more than two weeks from the moment the tickets went on sale, the promotional cathegory was sold out. What is notable here is that this meant that over 10 000 tickets were sold in no more than 2 weeks. Maybe that is nothing in western countries, where entire concerts sell out in a couple of hours, but for Romania, given the economical crisys still bothering us, we can say that this is something quite fantastic. We are very glad to say that not only the romanian fans are waiting for this concert, but also the bulgarian ones, 1500 tickets being bought online from Bulgary.

Besides Bulgary, tickets to the Bucharest BON JOVI concert, have been sold in Serbia, Hungary or Austria.

Over 2000 tickets were sold at the promotional price, and right now the Golden Circle tickets are sold-out also.
Until now, around 20000 tickets were sold. If you want your ticket, you still can find tickets in the other cathegories, as follows:
VIP - 479,3 lei(125 euros)
Tribuna - 372,8 lei (85 euros)
Golden Circle - 298,2 lei (70 euros) SOLD OUT
Normal Circle - 186,4 lei (46 euros)
Peluza Parlament - 159,8 lei (38 euros)

The tickets can be bought direct from the Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo Stores and the Humanitas and Carturesti Bookstores from all over Romania. If you are abroad, you can find them online from

The band doesn`t want to come to Romania empty handed and also they want to visit the country a little bit, so they said into a interview on Antena 1, that they started documenting, using father Google as guide in their endeavour to understand as much as possible our country. They said that they were possitive that in all the 27 world wide tours they have visited every country on Earth, but then they have discovered Romania.
So they want to know about Romania, more than the usual Dracula stories. So if you want to see the band playing live in Bucharest, on July 10th go online and grab your ticket and let us meet there, and let us have the time of our lives.

The concert is presented in Romania by East European Entertainment and Marcel Avram, in a joint venture with D&D East Entertainment.

Vlad Piriu
BeatFucker - The Party Rocker

Bon Jovi rocks our hearts on July 10th in Piata Constitutiei, Bucharest - Romania

Bon Jovi plays live in Romania for the first time, on Sunday July 10th 2011. The Concert will take place at Piata Constitutiei, Bucharest. Since Romania still doesn`t have a propper stadium ready yet, we see Piata Constitutiei more and more these days. This is the same place where legendary voices and bands have plaied and we will name only a few: AC/DC, Shakira, Sarah Brightman and so on.
Going back to Bon Jovi, the band has added Romania to their incredible long list of places that they are going to visit this year, during their present worldwide tour. Their decision comes as a result of a very long list of requests from their enthusiast romanian fans. As a result, Romania was added to the list on February 4th,2011.

The tour has already registered an incredible success, after a very good 2010, when the band, according to Billboard and Pollstar, took the lead and became the band with the biggest winnings in 2010. Bon Jovi won this title for the second time in three years. The band is going to perform live in USA, Canada and Europe. Winner of a Grammy award, Bon Jovi has sold over 125 de millioan albums, and plaied live in over 2,700 concerts in over 50 countries and in front of over 35 million rock hungry fans.

Their last album, “BON JOVI GREATEST HITS” was launched on top positions in worldwide music charts, in November 2010. The album looks back to the biggest hits of the band and in the same time comprised a carreer of 30 years of pure rock music, an incredible and unique sound that took the band on the top of the charts in the whole wide world. The album was sold in a week in a equal amount to the number of copies being sold from the album Cross Road, launched in 1994, a number reaching over 21 million disks over the entire year. Prior to that, “Lost Highway Tour” has reached the top position in 2008.

After 3 decaded of incredible musical carreer, Bon Jovi comes to Bucharest with a majestic live performance.

The concert is presented in Romania by East European Entertainment and Marcel Avram, in a joint venture with D&D East Entertainment.

One of the attractions of this event is that the organisers arranged for special means of transportations for those yearning to see Bon Jovi live in Bucharest on July the 10th. Those interested in such delicacies can buy special transport vouchers to get to Bucharest and then to the Concert area. The vouchers can be bought online, through the Eventim network ( Germanos, Vodafone, Orange, Domo Storea and the Humanitas, Carturesti Bookstores from all over the country, but also online on
The vouchers cover the most important cities in Romania, and they come at different prices, depending on how far you are from Bucharest, as follows:

Cluj – Sala Sporturilor, Splaiul Independentei, Embarking time: 05.00 a.m. Departure time 05:30 a.m. - Price VOUCHER: 126 RON (30 euros)

Brasov – OMV GAS Station, near the train station - Bd-ul Garii 7A, Embarking time: 11.00 a.m., Departure time 11:30 a.m. - Price VOUCHER: 67 RON (15 euros)

Sibiu – Hotel Continental Forum, Unirii nr. 10, Embarking time: 09.00, Departure time 09:30 am - Price VOUCHER: 85 RON (20 euros)

Timisoara – Eurolines BUs Station, Embarking time: 04.00; Departure time 04:30 am - Price VOUCHER: 136 RON (42 euros)

Tg. Mures – Continental Hotel, Piata Teatrului nr.6, Embarking time: 08.00 a.m. Departure time 08:30 am - Price VOUCHER: 94 RON (23 euros)

Constanta – Constanta Train Station, Embarking time: 10.00 a.m.; Departure time 10:30 am - Price VOUCHER: 76 RON (18 euros)

Iasi – Palatul Culturii, Embarking time: 06.00 a.m.; Departure time: 06:30 am - Price VOUCHER: 108 RON (26 euros)

Bacau – Arena Mall Parkinglot, Embarking time: 08.00; Departure time: 08:30 am - Price VOUCHER: 90 RON (22 euros)

All the routes end in areas near Piata Constitutiei, and for the retour specific areas are to be announced, depening on the local authorities. The estimated return departure time is 01.00 am, on July 11th, 2011.
There are several terms and conditions available if you choose to use those means of transportation, to the Bon Jovi Concert, but one is more important than the others. Buying a transport voucher doesn`t grant you the access to the concert area!!

Get your tickets and let`s meet on July 10th and spend a great time with one of the hottest rock bands in the entire world, BON JOVI!!

Vlad Piriu
BeatFucker - The Party Rocker

SCORPIONS LIVE IN BUCHAREST :Meet & Greet Packs available starting May 13th and one ticket cathegory solds out

For the special concert that Scorpions is playing in Bucharest on June 9th, The organizers of the show have prepared an incredible surprise for some of the Scorpions fans. Even if 13th calls for a bad day, some of the fans will be so lucky to have the opportunity to be as close of possible to their idols. How is this possible, can you be one of the lucky one?

Well, as we were saying, even if 13 is a bad omen, starting with May 13th, the fans have available 25 Meet & Greet Packs containing personalized photos with the members of the band, VIP tickets and access to the VIP area, free catering in the special area, your own signed poster with the band, signed CD, all these at the inimaginable small price of 1000 lei(250 euros). If you want to be the lucky owner of such a blessing, call the following number, if abroad: +40758 388 388 or 0758 388 388 if you are travelling in Romania. Also, you can order Meet & Greet Packs by email at

Scorpions have announced their retirement in a very glorious period of their carreer. As they are still up and rolling, they have decided to call it even with their musical carreer and retire through a worldwide farewell tour “Get Your Sting And Blackout World Tour”, including Romania. After 40 years of rocking our hearts with the winds of change, thousangds of life performances worldwide, Scorpions decided to exit their musical adventure the front door, with a already very popular album „Sting In The Tail”!

The farewell concert will bring almost 30000 fans at Zone Arena, Bucharest - Romania. The gig will be opened by two romanian bands Trooper and Christian Becker & Avenue.

The tickets can be aquired from various places in Bucharest, online and direct, from the BILETOO Shop from the Unirea Shopping Center, Adevarul Bookshops, Diverta Bookshops, etc. Online you can buy the tickets from,,,, or

The tickets are as follows:
- 128 lei(30 Euros) – Gazon B
- 190 lei(45 Euros)– Gazon A (SOLD OUT)
- 265 lei(65 Euros) – Golden Circle
- 350 lei(85 Euros) – Tribuna

Since the news spreaded out, the romanian fans and not only, have already bought themselves more than 12000 tickets, making one entire ticket cathegory absolete, the Zone A one. The other cathegories, in the B,C, and D Tribune, are also, very few left and on the lawn, Zone B there are around 200 tickets left. So if you want to see Scorpions live in Bucharest, you gotta hurry.

The Scorpions event is brought in Romania by Project Events.

Vlad Piriu
BeatFucker - The Party Rocker

miercuri, 11 mai 2011

Alice Cooper uita de maniere in "No more mister nice guy!" si ne viziteaza la Arene

Jack Daniel’s Studio No. 7 prezinta Alice Cooper, „No More Mister Nice Guy: The Original Evil Returns!”, un turneu de senzatie la Bucuresti! Pe 14 iunie, la Arenele Romane, Alice Cooper isi da din nou intalnire cu fanii heavy-metalului din Romania. Concertul este organizat de Events.

Fara Alice Cooper, probabil n-ar fi existat niciodata KISS, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Motley Crue, Slipknot ori Rob Zombie ... poate nici chiarDavid Bowie, sau cel putin nici Ziggy Stardust. O legenda a hard-rockului, veteranul care a inventat literalmente conceptul “rockul ca si teatru” se intoarce la ce stie sa faca el mai bine cu turneul „No More Mister Nice Guy: The Original Evil Returns”. Inclus in martie in Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, regele heavy-metalului socant a declarat ca a fi alaturi de The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys “este un sentiment incredibil... S-a spus despre trupa Alice Cooper ca a revolutionat experienta rockului live – daca e adevarat si asta ne-a adus acest premiu, singurul lucru de spus ar fi ca "There's no business like show business!". De la primul sau album solo, din 1975, Welcome to My Nightmare, pana la albume precum 1994 “The Last Temptation” si albumul din 2000 “Brital Planet”, albumele-concept au fost specialitatea lui Alice. Ultimul sau album de studio, “Along came a Spider” 2008 , se concentreaza pe istoria unui ucigas in serie - o panza de intrigi, infasurata in jurul unui hard-rock de calibru greu. Co-produs de Alice impreuna cu echipa Dany Saber [Black Grape, Rolling Stones, Ozzy Osbourne, David Bowie] si Greg Hampton [Bootsy Collins, Buckethead], piese precum deschiderea "I Know Where You Live" si "Vengeance Is Mine," evoca imnuri clasice din cariera lui Cooper, precum as "Is it My Body," si "Under My Wheels". Din 12 mai, cei mai infocati fani au la dispozitie doar 4 zile (12 -16.05) pentru a cumpara bilete cu 15% reducere! Cumparatorii pot alege dintre urmatoarele categorii de locuri: Golden Ring – 136 lei, Tribuna (cu loc) – 119 lei sau Regular – 102 lei. Din 17 mai, tichetele vor fi disponibile la pret intreg: Golden Ring – 160 lei, Tribuna (cu loc) – 140 lei sau Regular – 120 lei. Biletele se gasesc in reteauaEventim

Hooverphonic ne provoaca la o plimbare pe campiile Edenului, pe 10 iunie in Fratelli

Vineri, 10 iunie 2011, trioul belgian Hooverphonic va susţine un concert live înFratelli Studios din Bucureşti.

Concertul Hooverphonic din Capitală face parte din turneul de promovarea al ultimului lor album „The Night Before”.

Trupa şi-a extins repede stilul spre punctul în care nu mai poate fi inclusă în nici un gen muzical. De la trip-hop-ul de pe albumul lor de debut, „New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular” (1996) la fusion-ul electro de pe „Blue Wonder Power Milk” (1998), sau la aranjamentele acustice de pe „The Magnificent Tree”(2000), sound-ul trupei este într-o continuă evoluţie.

Hituri precum “Eden”, “Mad About You”, “2 Wicky”, “Vinegar and Salt” sau coverul după “Skake The Disease” al celor de la Depeche Mode au rulat intens la posturile de radio şi televiziunile muzicale româneşti.

Single-ul „The Night Before”, lansat la sfârşitul anului trecut, în octombrie 2010, a constituit primul pas al trupei alături de solista actuală, Noémie Wolfs. Albumul cu acelaşi nume a fost lansat în noiembrie 2010 şi a câştigăt discul de platină în Belgia la scurt timp dupa lansare.

Bilete Hooverphonic

Biletele pentru concertul Hooverphonic sunt disponibile în reţeaua Eventim şi online pe

Categoria I (Podium) – 180 lei
Categoria a-II-a (Ring) – 110 lei

Biletele Hooverphonic pot fi achiziţionate şi în două rate lunare, doar prin CardAvantaj, la sediul Events din Bd. Lascar Catargiu nr. 15 A sau la sediul Eventim din str. Polonă nr. 15.

Club Fratelli: Str. Glodeni nr. 1, Bucureşti.

miercuri, 13 aprilie 2011

Rock the City 2011, Bucharest - Romania

WhiteSnake, Judas Priest, Prodigy and Mike and The Mechanics line up for Rock the City in Bucharest, this summer.

Piaţa Constituţiei becomes the central point for some of the best rock bands in history and not only. This is the third edition of the Rock the City Festival, and this year will be organized by D&D East Entertainmet between 1 and 3rd of July. The festival brings with it a few surprises. WhiteSnake, Judas Priest, Prodigy, Mike and The Mechanics are but some of the bands that will turn the heart of Bucharest into a exploding volcano.

Whitesnake rocks the city for the second time, wright now touring and promoting their newest album,„Forevermore”, launched in Europe on march 25th.

Judas Priest, another british anthem, will tickle the ears of the rock music lovers for almost two hours presenting their latest worldwide tour„ Epitaph World Tour”.

The Prodigy fell in love with the romanian massive so they decided to accept the invita and visit Romania for the 4th time. Songs such as "Breathe", "Voodoo People", "Firestarter" and "Smack My Bitch Up" will blow the windows from the House of Parliament down during their unique performance at the festival. Their music is so special and their live performances are so full of energy that it is no wonder that they have sold over 16 milion albums.

The tickets are sold exclusively through and can be bought in the following shops Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo, Humanitas, Cărturești and online on

The tens of thousands of people that will go to the festival will enter the Festival area starting with 2 p.m. in each day of the festival, and the live performances are to start at 5 p.m.

marți, 12 aprilie 2011

SUB FOCUS la arena dnb // 14 mai @ Arenele Romane

SUB FOCUS @ arena dnb

with MC I.D

Sambata, 14 MAI 2011, Arenele Romane (Parcul Carol, strada Cutitul de Argint, nr. 26)

A treia petrecere arena dnb din 2011 va avea loc in 14 mai la Arenele Romane, cu SUB FOCUS invitat principal.

SUB FOCUS este in scena de muzica de dans underground "Producatorul anului" in 2010 pentru albumul sau de debut si producatorul "Piesei anului" in 2011 pentru remixul sau la piesa "Hold On" a lui Rusko (Conform DRUM AND BASS AWARDS 2010 si 2011). Este unul din oamenii momentului in scena de drumandbass mondiala si suntem mandri si bucurosi ca il vom avea in sfarsit prezent la arena dnb.

SUKH KNIGHT, P MONEY & TREi la arena dnb // 16 APRILIE @ Arenele Romane

Sambata, 16 APRILIE 2011, Arenele Romane (Parcul Carol, strada Cutitul de Argint, nr. 26)

Dubstep meets dnb 3 @ arena dnb

A doua petrecere arena dnb din 2011 va avea loc pe 16 aprilie la Arenele Romane (la prima a fost asa:

Invitatii principali sunt TREI din Noua Zeelanda, SUKH KNIGHT si P-MONEYdin Marea Britanie. Alaturi de ei vor mixa Lich (Iasi) si Rock Lumen (Cluj) cu baietii de la Vedem si Plusla visuals.

Atat in studio, cat si in reprezentatiile live, Trei este un DJ care se remarca prin stilul sau atmosferic. Muzica sa apare in playlisturile faimosilor Concord Dawn, State of Mind, Ed Rush, Marky, Andy C, Klute sau Friction. In 2009, lansarea albumului “Innuendo” a fost urmata de un turneu In Noua Zeelanda apoi intrarea in forta in Europa. A urmat lansarea videoclipului pentru piesa “Lead Me On” (feat. Thomas Oliver) primul single de pe Innuendo.
Anul 2011 il gaseste pregatind al doilea material discografic si in cadrul celui de-al treilea turneu mondial de promovare a muzicii dnb specifice zonei pe care o reprezinta, Oceania.

Sukh Knight si P Money reprezinta True Tiger live, un grup de muzica underground din Marea Britanie a carui muzica poate fi incadrata in genuri precum: Garage, Grime, Hip Hop, R’n’B, Bassline, Acoustic si Nu Rave.
P Money este cel mai de seama reprezentant al noii generatii de MC de grime din UK in timp ce Sukh Knight este unul din cei mai vechi si apreciati producatori si dj de dubstep din scena de de muzica de dans underground.

Petrecerea este de asemenea si a doua de incalzire pentru cel mai mare festival de dubstep din Europa, OUTLOOK FESTIVAL din Croatia. Detalii despre festival aici:
20 lei in avans la Base, Boarder’s sau The Kitchen
The Kitchen (

30 lei la poarta (petrecerea incepe la ora 22:30, portile se deschid la ora 22:00).

Despre locatie:
Mai multe detalii pe .

Christian Becker & Avenue and Trooper, opening act for Scorpions, 09.06.2011, Bucharest- Romania!

The Scorpions live event that we are going to witness on June 9th at Zone Arena will have as main opening act the romanian band Christian Becker & Avenue, names well known to the romanian lovers of live music.

Scorpions are comming back to Romania for a last farewell, given the fact that they have decided to retire for good from the musical scene. This is not going to be just a simple live event, but instead we are going to witness a full celebration of the rock music, taking into consideration the fact that the german rockers from Scorpions have prepared a grandious event for those that will join them on June 9th @ Zone Arena, Bucharest.

If the main event will be held by one of the biggest rock bands in the world, we will certainly need an opening act strong enough to cope with the pressure. Christian Becker & Avenue will try their best in bringing some heat into the hearts of those 20000 people that will come to see Scorpions for the last time in Romania. The second band that will open the act is Trooper.

The tickets can be aquired from various places in Bucharest, online and direct, from the BILETOO Shop from the Unirea Shopping Center, Adevarul Bookshops, Diverta Bookshops, etc. Online you can buy the tickets from,,,, or

The tickets are as follows:
- 128 lei(30 Euros) – Gazon B
- 190 lei(45 Euros)– Gazon A
- 265 lei(65 Euros) – Golden Circle
- 350 lei(85 Euros) – Tribuna

The Scorpions event is brought in Romania by Project Events.

Vlad Piriu

BeatFucker - The Party Rocker