miercuri, 15 iunie 2011

Surprinzator si unic, specific romanesc: Anul acesta are numai...fiti foarte atenti!!...numai 3 zile

Nu stiu cum se intampla pe la altii, in ceea ce priveste festivalurile si concertele, dar se pare ca pe la noi e altfel. Cineva zicea ca America e tara tuturor posibilitatilor, dar se pare ca s-a inselat amarnic. In tara in care manelistii prospera, caci Uniunea Europeana ne arata cu degetul, cum ca nu ne-am iubi minoritatile, in care preturile sunt comparabile cu cele din Marea Britanie, in care artistii isi permit sa cante pe stadioane cu pozitiv - vezi concertul Madonna din 2009, uite ca la noi anul are numai 3 zile.

Este fenomenal si in acelasi timp unic, dar e adevarat. Sunt curios daca va prindeti la ce ma refer...Nimic? Sa va dau un indiciu? Luna Iulie 2011 va spune ceva? Inca nu va-ti prins? Hai sa va dau alt indiciu: 1-3 iulie 2011? Daca nu va-ti prins, o sa spun eu despre ce e vorba. In mai sus amintita perioada, in Bucuresti si zonele inconjuratoare avem 3 evenimente majore si care, fiecare dintre ele, are darul de a atrage enorme mase de oameni. Care sunt acestea?

Pai e simplu: 1-3 iulie 2011 - ROCK THE CITY @ ROMEXPO, Bucuresti
1-3 iulie 2011 - BESTFEST CAMP @ Pipera Tunari Camp, Bucuresti
2 iulie 2011 - Jamiroquai @ Plaja H2O, Mamaia

Pe scurt, se pare ca pentru unii, anul are numai 3 zile. Daca am avea parte de niste evenimente mai mici, asa, de cartier, am zice: Hai lasa, ca ne strecuram noi! Dar asa, ce naiba sa mai faci?

Daca ai banul pe tine iti iei bilete la toate trei si vezi numai trupele preferate, dar nici asa nu e o solutie, caci ajungi sa te damblagesti la cap si sa pici pe jos de oboseala, dupa ce ai facut un tur de 3 zile intre 2 festivaluri si un concert la mare. Ce te faci atunci cand chiar vrei sa le vezi pe toate? Caci la toate aceste evenimente ai ceva de vazut, in fiecare zi este cate o trupa pe care poate nu o sa o mai vezi niciodata, cum ar fi Judas Priest, Whitesnake. Nu zic, The Prodigy au tot venit pe la noi, dar chiar si asa, tot merita sa ii vezi de fiecare data cand ai ocazia, caci show-ul lor te face sa iti iesi din minti cum poate nu ai avut vreodata ocazia. Deci vezi Prodigy in prima zi de Rock the City, fugi apoi a doua zi la mare pentru Jamiroquai si apoi te intorci fuguta la BestFest Camp ca sa ii vezi pe Pendulum live si apoi te declari multumit.

Pare o solutie, asta asa, ca sa zici ca ai bifat evenimentul si apoi ai trecut la altceva. Dar un festival este mai mult decat muzica. Mai ales ca ambele evenimente, atat Rock the City cat si BestFest Camp anunta o serie de atractii care mai de care mai interesante.

Sunt curios cum va fi cu incasarile anul acesta, mai ales ca suntem in an de criza si toata lumea se va duce acolo unde considera ca are mai multe de vazut. Prevad o multime de bilete de o zi si mult mai putine abonamente, caci mai toti vor vrea sa se duca la ambele, daca nu la toate trei evenimentele. Si sa nu uitam...anul acesta ne viziteaza Bon Jovi, la o saptamana dupa ce aceasta mare vanzoleala se va fi terminat. Cum naiba sa te imparti? Nu stiu coane, dar parca istorioara asta nu prea e una din cele fericite. Un festival pe luna sau chiar la doua luni poate fi mai usor de inghitit, dar 2 festivaluri mari cu nume si mai mari pe frontispiciu, in aceeasi perioada, plus un artist de talia lui Jamiroquai la mare, tot atunci, sunt mult prea greu de inghitit.

Si apropos de festivaluri si concerte, ca tot veni vorba. Daca va numarati printre organizatorii de evenimente, gen festivaluri si concerte: este un anumit fotograf, pe nume Filip Silviu, care are prostul obicei de a-si face acreditare la evenimente, folosindu-se de numele meu sau de cel de FestivalPhoto.net. Daca se intampla acest lucru, va rog frumos sa ii refuzati acea cerere, caci acesta nu are dreptul de a se folosi de numele meu sau de cel de FestivalPhoto.net, nefiind vreun reprezentant nici al meu, dar nici al FestivalPhoto.net. Am patit asta la concertul Scorpions, unde acesta si-a facut acreditare spunand ca este si el de la revista lui Vlad Ionut Piriu...Si nu si-a facut numai lui, dar si intregii familii!!! Sa tot mergi asa la concerte, nu? Moca! A.. si nu a figurat pe lista numai din partea mea, ci si din partea Jurnalului National, tot fara sa fi avut vreo legatura cu acesta. Cat de prost si nesimtit sa fii, mai Filip?

Vlad Piriu

The BeatFUCKER - The Party Rocker

joi, 9 iunie 2011

Rock the City 2011 brings to the heart of Bucharest some of the biggest bands of the moment

Rock the City 2011 is an ambitious project, a festival that brings to Romania some of the biggest and best rock bands of all times, said Marcel Avram, the man that brought to Romania names such as Michael Jackson, Metallica. The festival has been officially launched on april 5, after a very busy press conference. The ears of all journalists presents there at the conference have been tickled when names such as The Prodigy, Judas Priest, Whitesnake, Papa Roach, Mike and The Mechanics, Therapy, Hatebreed were announced as the line-up of the festival.

After the initial confirmation of the locations as Piata Constitutiei, the Rock the City Festival was moved to ROMEXPO, the same place where Sonisphere Fest took place last year.
The three days of the festival will keep the people busy with parties organised by the sponsors, and all sorts of surprised.

Some of the bands are a premiere for Romania. Papa Roach, for example, is visiting Romania for the first time.
The third edition of the festival, comes after a 1 year break. The last edition of the festival has brought to Romania bands such as Saga, Queensryche and Lipm Bizkit, and it was held at Arenele Romane. As the need for good and powerful rock music has becaome bigger and bigger, the festival has been moved to a larger arena, in order to accomodate the crowds that will flock to mingle with the stars.
The first names that were confirmed for the festival were Judas Priest – promoting their last world tour, and Whitesnake – promoting their latest album „Forevermore”.
Even if Rob Halford, the lead singer from Judas Priest, has announced that the „Epitaph World Tour” is going to end the prodigious and the prolongue carreer of the group, Glenn Tipton, the guitar player gives some hope to the millions of fans outhere and announces that definettly, Epitaph is not going to mean the end of the band and of the worlwide tours. Presently, the band works to a new material, and if the band is to play, they will play in smaller tours. Halford & Co. have chosen their bands name after a Bob Dylan`s song, „The ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest”, from the album „John Wesley Harding”. Along the ages, Judas Priest has launched 16 studio albums and sold over 40 million disks. Their newest album is „Nostradamus” (2008), and it has reached the 11th place in the Billboard Chart 200.

Also Whitesnake returns to Romania, for a concert in Bucharest. Their Bucharest performance is part of their worldwide promotional tour „Forevermore”, album that was launched in Europe on march 25th. Their first single disk from this album was „Love Will Set You Free” and it also comes with a video. This newest album was produced and arranged by David Coverdale, Doug Aldrich and Michael McIntyre in the Snakebyte and the Grumblenott Studios & Villas in Nevada and California.
Whitesnake is a british rock band that started in 1977 in North Yorkshire), with David Coverdale (ex Deep Purple) as lead singer. The guy is so good in what he is doing, that a lot of voices have said that in fact, Whitesnake is only accompanying David Coverdale and nothing else. VH1 has nominated the band to occupy the 85 position in the Best HardRock Bands of All Times Chart. The first formula of the band brought together names such as David Coverdale, Bernie Marsden, Micky Moody, Neil Murray, David „Duck” Dowle and Brian Johnston, at keyboards, to be soon after misplaced by Jon Lord, from Deep Purple. Their first album was not so succesful, „Whitesnake” being launched in 1977, in a time when punk music was rulling the charts. The newest album, „Forevermore”, was described as having no boundaries, being melodic and full of passion in the same time.
This album has been recorded in a new formula, Aldrich being the only surviver from the origibal crew. In Bucharest, Coverdale will share the stage with Doug Aldrich – guitars, Reb Beach (Alice Cooper) – guitars, Brian Tichy (Ozzy Osbourne, Billy Idol) – drums and Michael Devin (Kenny Wayne Shepherd) – bass.

This month, in june, after the long performances in USA, Whitesnake will play in Europe, in Russia, Norway, Sweden, UK, Italyu, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, The Cech Republic, Austria, Serbia, Romania, Bulgary and Turkey.

The tickets are sold exclusively through Eventim.ro and can be bought in the following shops Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo, Humanitas, Cărturești and online on www.eventim.ro.

The tens of thousands of people that will go to the festival will enter the Festival area starting with 2 p.m. in each day of the festival, and the live performances are to start at 5 p.m.

Vlad Piriu
TheBEATFucker - The Party Rocker