It seems that the voice of the poeple has been once again, heard. This time, it seems that some people were annoied when the orgianizers of the BON JOVI concert in Bucharest have decided to introduce a new cathegory of tickets and in the same time, a new zone.
The new zone was called Diamond Circle, and was supposed to occupy all the immediate front area of the stage, so its inhabitants would have the best vision. It was a bit infuriating, since there already a lot of people, and I am talking about the people that have bought all the tickets that were assigned for the Golden Circle, were hopping to get the best seats. And all of a sudden, they didn`t have the best seats.
So they started quarelling on the social sites, and, as a result, the organizers have decided to call it off and forget about the Diamond Ring.
Innitially, the organizers, announced on 18th of May that starting with that day, the people could buy a whole new cathegory of tickets, a far better one, than the ones sold before. Of course, it was all about the Diamond Gircle, a place where 700 very lucky people could be as close to their idols as possible, off course if they could afford to pay the price - 798.8 lei ( approx 200 euros). Pretty big, no?
But I mean, who are we to judge, if you have the money, why wont you go and sit on the stage, if you can. But here were the people that have already bought all the tickets from the Golden Circle area, which was supposed to be the best place, till the Diamond Circle came about. So those people got pissed and started quarellyng.
Finally, the wise decision was taken and the organisers announced that the Diamond Circle tickets would not be sold anymore.
In an official statement, Denisa Sandulescu, spokeswoman for DD EAST ENTERTAINMENT, has declared that the Diamond Circle is something that comes with the Open Air concept, worldwide. That particular area was designated as such by the sponsors of the tour and was supposed to offer a greater confort and a better view for those willing to pay the price. But that decision came too late, unfortunatelly, when the Golden Circle area was already sold-out, and when the people already have paid good money for the best seats in the house. So Denisa Sandulescu has decided to stop the process of selling the tickets for the Diamond Area and to give up this cathegory of tickets for good. Those that already have bought the tickets for this area, will receive a Golden Circle ticket instead, and the rest of the money.
As a plus, the organisers have decided to add the 700 Diamond tickets to the Golden Circle existing ones so they supplimented the Golden Circle tickets. This is a good decision, since there are a lot of fans willing to pay the price and be as close as possible to the New Jersey Cowboys.
If you want your ticket, you still can find tickets in the other cathegories, as follows:
VIP - 479,3 lei(125 euros)
Tribuna - 372,8 lei (85 euros)
Golden Circle - 298,2 lei (70 euros) SOLD OUT
Normal Circle - 186,4 lei (46 euros)
Peluza Parlament - 159,8 lei (38 euros)
The tickets can be bought direct from the Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo Stores and the Humanitas and Carturesti Bookstores from all over Romania. If you are abroad, you can find them online from www.eventim.ro.
The concert is presented in Romania by East European Entertainment and Marcel Avram, in a joint venture with D&D East Entertainment.
Vlad Piriu
BeatFucker - The Party Rocker
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