luni, 21 martie 2011

New big names come to complete de line-up for B’ESTFEST 2011

If names such as Pendulum and Skunk Anansie came as a sunny day in the winter time, B’ESTFEST 2011 promisses even more fun when it comes to pleasing out thirst for good music.

And so the surprise doesn`t stop here. Four other names come to add more flavour to the already enough presence of Pendulum live performance in the line-up. This time we will travel from Lamb, the Manchester trip-hoppers, to the legendary House of Pain, to the british ravers from Hadouken, to the extraordinary mix of dub, rapcore, dancehall and hard ragga-jungle that is Asian Dub Foundation.

So from the point of view of the line-up, untill now, we can rest assured that our musical tastes are soon to be pleased for good.

But B’ESTFEST 2011 is not only about music. B’ESTFEST 2011 brings something new to the Bucharest scene. If we take into consideration that in 2007 the Festival meant two stages one next to the other in a parking-lot...we will have to say that this years concept changes radically our idea of in-city festival.

B’ESTFEST 2011 moves outside the city, in a an open space that is only 10 minutes away by car, from where it used to be until now. Moving the festival outside the city, brings more space and with this come more stages, a new camping site, and also more room for the crowds that will gather in the 3 days of the festival. This is how a Bucharest Festival brings a true alternative to the already legendary outdoor festivals such as Peninsula (TG Mures), Pepsi Sziget (Budapest) or Bugras Fest (Bulgaria).

The tickets are already being sold. There is also a discount period, an early bird perios as it is called. This period expires on March 22nd, 2011 so if you want to get your pass with a 20% discount, you better access this page for details (

See you there!

Vlad Piriu
Beatfucker - The Party Rocker

Pendulum promisses to wake up the dead at B’ESTFEST 2011

After almost two years of waiting and promisses, Pendulum joins us in full formation this summer, at B’ESTFEST 2011, on 3rd of July.

It is not the first time Pendulum comes to Romania. It first happened on November 7th, 2009, when Ben The Verse took the audience to shere dementia and the echoes of that party are still heard.

Mc Verse is waited to arrive in Bucharest on May 16th, this year, but let`s ne frank here:How much fun can you get in a DJ SET? So MC Verse kept his promise, and we will have the entire band playing Live at the biggest music festival ever organized in Bucharest, Romania:

It all has started in 2007, when the E`Magic Crew brought to life the first edition of the Festival. It was named B’ESTIVAL back then and the line-up included over 30 artists, being headlined by Morcheeba, Faithless, Kasabian, Pink, Marilyn Manson, Alice Cooper, Wu-Tang Clan.
The festival reached a record audience for Romania with 50.000 people attending the event, during the three days.

The 2008 edition brought an extra stage, an extra day (AFTERSHOCK), more bands in the line-up (36 in total), and an impressive spectrum of headliners: Alanis Morissette, Cypress Hill, UNKLE, Kaiser Chiefs, Manic Street Preachers, Stereophonics, Nelly Furtado, Manu Chao,
Roisin Murphy, Judas Priest. B’ESTFEST’s 2009 included DAY ZERO as a bonus for all the festival’s fans. This extra special day kicked off with an amazing show from the world’s biggest band, The Killers and continued with Patrice, White Lies and many other gigs. Unforgettable performances followed over the four days with performances from Santana, Orbital, Moby, Motorhead, Franz Ferdinand, Gabriella Cilmi, The Charlatans, Manowar and many others!

Being recognized as one of Europe’s best music festivals was just the beginning of a worldwide success. After its first edition, B’ESTFEST became a member of Yourope, the European festival industry association and ETEP (European Talent Exchange Program), a showcase organization that promotes new European artists within top international festivals.

After winning a place in the finals of the UK’s event industry Oscars - the UK Festival Awards, BESTFEST 2009 also gained a nomination, for the ''Best Medium Festival'' category at the
prestigious European Festival Awards. And that’s not all folks, the best is yet to come! We have fantastic news: in 2011, B’ESTFEST goes green!!!

So this year, your festival is back and will take place in the wonderful green fields in the north of Bucharest, 10 min from the airport. B’ESTFEST CAMP will be this year’s pinnacle of excellent music, funky atmosphere -an oasis of joyous celebration and fun! Some other big names that
have already confirmed their participation to the Festival, are Skunk Anansie and Asian Dub Foundation.

The idea of moving the festival outside the city, in an open space, with a propper camping place makes this years edition of the Festival an interesting choice for spending your summer days.

Vlad Piriu
BeatFucker The party rocker

Yuffa si Hardcore - 5 ani de glorioasa nebunie

Yuffa si Hardcore - 5 ani de glorioasa nebunie

Imediat dupa recitalul lor din Fabrica, electro-rockerii de la Yuffa&Hardcore ne-au acordat cateva minute. Atmosfera era inca incinsa dupa cele aproape doua ore de zbantuiala pe scena si asa mica din Fabrica. Baietii au fost calzi, la obiect, au vorbit despre inceputuri, prezent si planuri de viitor.

I-am prins in barul de jos, racorindu-se. I-am numit electro-cowboys pentru stilul saltaret si fundamental experimental pe care l-au abordat in acea seara. Au dat impresia de energie, de creativitate, de nevoia de a trece catre o alta treapta. Sa fie acea treapta emigrarea in Spania, unde Radu deja lucreaza ca medic, nu e clar. Sa fie un stil nou, mai vibrant decat cel abordat pana in prezent, e mai probabil. Vibe-ul din Romania inca e puternic si sufletul pe care il punem in timpul fiecarei petreceri in care cei doi sunt amfitrioni inca ii tine aici.

Mi-a placut ca nimic nu poate sa existe fara putin rock si asta au dovedit-o in momentul in care au introdus chitara in recital. Stilul exploziv electro-punk al celor de la Prodigy pe Invaders Must Die si riffurile de chitara au facut casa buna aducand pe cei aflati acolo la o stare vecina cu dementa. Au fost piese cunoscute, au fost si altele noi pe care le-au introdus in mix.

Cei doi au implinit 5 ani de plimbari prin toata tara si traiesc clipa prezenta din plin. Au fost sute de evenimente de la party-uri private cu cativa spectatori la concerte in cluburi titrate de prin toata tara sau evenimente outdoor. Nu se gandesc prea mult la ceea ce se va intampla peste 15 ani de acum incolo. Primordial este ca Radu sa perfectioneze chitara, sa aduca mai mult rockul in show-ul si asa plin de energie de acum. E foarte posibil ca cei doi sa scoata un nou album in curand.

Am vorbit despre momente haioase de prin concerte. Ne-am adus aminte cum, in Suceava, fiind intr-un club, cu scopul de a discuta cu niste organizatori despre posibilitatea de a avea o seara in care sa ii avem invitati pe Yuffa & Hardcore, nu mi-a venit sa imi cred ochilor cand i-am vazut pe cei doi urcand pe scena.

Carmina Burana, de unde Carmina Burana, in caz ca erati curiosi. Sa fie de la Jackass - The Movie? Mihai, aka Yuffa si-a adus aminte cum, copil fiind, odata de mult, la un revelion cu artificii asa cum se facea inainte, a auzit Carmen Burana si i-a placut memento-ul pe care reusea sa il creeze aceasta melodie. Incetul cu incetul cei doi au bagat melodia in show si au vazut ca lumii ii place cum suna. Au vrut sa rupa filmul cumva, sa introduca un spatiu, o delimitare fata de dj-ul anterior. Si putin cu putin a functionat, in asa masura, ca niciun show de al lor nu poate sa inceapa fara Carmina Burana.

Radu alias Hardcore, e mort dupa outdoor si enduro, dar ceea ce ii uneste pe cei doi e muzica, primele casete cu Prodigy, albumele vechi de la Metallica, care i-au motivat sa porneasca pe acest drum anevoios dar plin de satisfactii al DJ-ingului de calitate. Cei doi au crescut impreuna in acest spirit si asta se vede in clipele pline de magie in care se completeaza unul pe celalalt pe scena.

Asteptam un nou material de la ei, i-am intrebat cand vom auzi un material creatie Yuffa & Hardcore 100%, iar baietii au spus ca se indreapta in mod sigur spre asa ceva, dar mai intai au de gand sa se bucure de noua descoperire a lui Radu, chitara si sa experimenteze cu asta.

Noi le uram La Multi Ani si abia asteptam urmatorul eveniment in care ei ne vor fi gazde.

By Vlad Piriu

BeatFucker The Party Rocker